​Did you know that our staff team actually lives inside this family style home along with our residents?
Here is what they have to say:​
"Our hope is that everyone that joins our household feels like they have come HOME! For us home means: you are safe, you are accepted, and you are taken care of! ​
We get a lot accomplished during pregnancy, but it's not all work and no play! We actually have tons of fun together and enjoy filling our home with laughter too!."
Read on to learn a little more about
what to expect at NBHomes.
500 sq. ft.
8 bedrooms
6 bathrooms
Sits on 7 acres on the
beautiful Puyallup Valley.
Along 6 other homes.
Are you ready to prepare for your future and create a solid foundation? You are WORTH the work and time it will take.

3 rooms shared with 1 roommate includes:
bedding, closet and dresser space
2 large bathrooms designed for privacy with multi-use amenities
A large family kitchen and dining area with healthy meals and snacks to help yourself to
A family game and movie room
Maternity clothing and personal hygiene supplies
Transportation to all pregnancy related appointments
Possibility for maternity photoshoot, baby shower, support groups
Weekly Bible study and homework assignments for growth
In-Home birth & newborn care classes to fully prepare you
Regular mentor meetings and encouragement
Connections to other community resources
Options for regular exercise activities including swimming and prenatal workouts
Access to donated baby items to prepare for when baby arrives
Options to learn about finances & completing educational goals,
Affordable financial commitment of only $250/month. Most residents use their state cash assistance to pay this fee and still have money left over.
A strong community of friends that encourage each other and show up when a need arises and so much MORE!
We have guidelines that help achieve a peaceful home! They are all pretty simple; it comes down to respect, honor, and trust. Here are a few examples:
Healthy lifestyle choices only (ie: no substance use including tabacco, marijuana, and alcohol OR self harm)
Complete focus on your future (ie: no new dating relationships, commitment to abstinance)
Total respect for others (ie: no fighting, foul language, or lying)
Honor your leaders (ie: curfew is 10pm, lights out is 10:30pm, visitors must be approved, & no pets.)
Be tidy (ie: pick up after yourself, participate in family chores, and keep a clean room)

The Weekend
Day 2-5
Day 1
We can help move you in and carry your belongings for you. We will first take you on a full tour of the house, then give you some time to review your welcome binder, unpack, and rest before dinner. Dinner is at 5:30 on weekdays. We will have a quick evening meeting to sign papers and make a copy of your ID for your file. Our hope is that you'll sleep great your first night but we know that can be tough in a new place. Don't worry you will settle in soon enough.
In the following days you will join in family dinners nightly, meet with your mentor to make some goals for the first week, get your weekly work assignments, and get to know each other. You will be getting used to where things are located in the house and getting connected to local resources or making pregnancy related appointments. We will try to have some of your favorite snacks or drinks on hand to welcome you. It's likely a game night will be planned or a tv marathon will occupy an evening hanging out with the other residents. You will get to join in other household activities like planned workouts, bible study, or shopping trips.
Saturdays are for catching up on rest, seeing loved ones, getting outside for an adventure, or connecting with other residents. We require church attendance on Sunday mornings with options to join a staff member at their church.